HeartBreath™: Integrating a Multidisciplinary Approach to Address Complex Health Conditions

HeartBreath™: Integrating a Multidisciplinary Approach to Address Complex Health Conditions Could the answer to your health issues be here? Loretta Cella, Author, UnMasked the Sacred Messages with Women’s Anger, Owner + Lead BreathWorks Studio Loretta Cella is a senior certified professional coach (PCC) with over 17 years is a life and leadership coach and an […]

Rethinking ADHD: A Sustainable Path to Healing Through Breathwork, Yin Yoga, and Heart Science

Rethinking ADHD: A Sustainable Path to Healing Through Breathwork, Yin Yoga, and Heart Science ADHD is often treated as a disorder of attention, but what if it’s more than that? What if the behaviors we label as ADHD—difficulty focusing, impulsivity, emotional dysregulation—are rooted not in a neurological disorder, but in trauma and nervous system dysregulation? […]

the ultimate holistic solution for adhd and trauma recovery

The Ultimate Holistic Solution for ADHD and Trauma Recovery: Why Body Therapy Breathwork, Heart Coherence, and Coaching Could Reduce Medication and Increase Thriving Communities Thinking critically from a trauma informed lens. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnoses are on the rise, with an estimated 9.8% of children and 4.4% of adults in the United States affected (CDC, […]

The 90-Day Power of Breathwork and Heart Meditation: Neuroscience Behind Lasting Mental, Emotional, and Physical Change

The 90-Day Power of Breathwork and Heart Focussed Meditation: Neuroscience Behind Lasting Mental, Emotional, and Physical Change Loretta CellaOwner/ Founder,BreathWorks + HeartBreath™ Institute In a world that constantly pulls us in multiple directions, it’s easy to feel disconnected—from ourselves, our emotions, and even our bodies. Whether we’re navigating stress, anxiety, or simply trying to keep […]

Heart Power: The One Intelligence Most Humans Don’t Access

Heart Power: The One Intelligence Most Humans Don’t Access Loretta Cella, Owner- BreathWorks + HeartBreath Institute  When we think about intelligence, most of us think about our brains. But what if I told you there’s another form of intelligence, one that’s equally, if not more, powerful than our minds? It’s an intelligence that most of […]

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